
Halotherapy Salt Cave

  • Halotherapy (Salt Therapy) is a natural remedy that involves inhaling microparticles of pharmaceutical-grade dry salt in a comfortable, controlled environment. While you relax in our comfortable atmosphere, a machine called a halogenerator will disperse microscopic salt particles into the air. You’ll inhale these microscopic particles and they will travel through your respiratory tract and they will also land on your skin.

    Suitable for babies, children and adults

  • Halotherapy can improve the following conditions including but not limited to:

    Eczema, Rosacea, & Psoriasis

    Seasonal Allergies



    Hay Fever


    Cold & Flu



    Fungal Infections

    Sleep & Snoring

    Stress, Anxiety & Fatigue

    Sports Performance

    Halotherapy can clear up mucous from airways. It is Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Allergenic, and Anti-Fungal.

    It has been shown to boost mood and immune system function.

  • Dry salt is very absorbent and has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Once inhaled, the salt causes your mucus to thin and liquefy, making it easier to dislodge and expel – along with pathogens, debris and pollutants. Dry salt particles also gently stimulate your body’s natural cilia movement. Cilia help keep our airways clear of mucus and dirt, so we can breathe with ease. But with the help of salt, this process is accelerated. Think of salt like a toothbrush for your airways, cleaning out mucus, debris and pathogens.

    For the skin, dry salt can absorb impurities, regulate the pH level and promote your skin’s ‘good’ bacteria. It improves the skin’s protective properties, reducing inflammation and encouraging natural exfoliation and regeneration.

  • When you book a Halotherapy session at Willyoung Wellness you will be guided to an area where you will remove your shoes and replace them on your feet with sterile foot coverings. You can place any personal items or belongings in one of our lockers and take the key with you into the cave.

    Once in the cave, you can choose to sit on the bench seating or one of our reclining chairs in the relaxing and cool atmosphere (65-68 degrees). The halogenerator will be turned on which will produce a gentle humming noise as it grinds the salt into a fine aerosol and distributes it through the room. At that point you will simply relax in the calming atmosphere and breath as normal while the salt gently scrubs your respiratory tract and helps to reduce inflammation.

  • How Long is a Session? 45 minutes

    What Should I Wear? If you are easily cold, you may want to wear long sleeves as the cave maintains a temperature of about 65-68 degrees. However, if you are using the cave for skin issues, you will want to have as much of the affected area exposed as possible.

    Is it safe? Absolutely, pharmaceutical grade salt is safe and natural to inhale and have on your skin and hair.

    Can I Touch The Floor Salt? We ask that you do not put your bare feet in the salt or disturb it too much. The floor salt is for aesthetics and is changed frequently to make sure it is clean and inviting for our clients.


  • The BioSET System and BioSET desensitization “ReSET therapy” is a non-invasive, safe, natural desensitization therapy that often permanently eliminates food and environmental allergies and sensitivities.

    The BioSET System is the answer to a multitude of health challenges that health care practitioners encounter in their daily practices. It utilizes cutting-edge techniques, healthy nutrition, purification and enzyme therapy for prolonged optimal digestive health and nutrient utilization.

  • ReSET Therapy releases the energetic blockages that exist in our bodies as a result of numerous issues including toxin exposure and mental and/or physical trauma. ReSET therapy resets the nervous and immune systems for a specific sensitivity or imbalance and helps to restore a balanced immune response, resulting in a marked decrease or complete resolution of symptoms.

    BioSET practitioners use Applied Kinesiology or Electrodermal Screening to determine what the body is overreacting to, where the sensitivity or blockage is being expressed, how severe the blockage is and any other factors related to the sensitivity or blockage. By activating specific acupressure points via the nervous system along the spine, the BioSET practitioner is able to “reset” the body’s abnormal response and thereby correct the sensitivity. Once “reset” for a specific sensitivity or imbalance using the BioSET System, the physical symptoms associated with the sensitivity or imbalance such as gastrointestinal issues, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, headache, and difficulty breathing will be reduced or resolved, often permanently..

  • BioSET addresses the Root Cause of a Chronic Conditions

    BioSET’s success lies in the fact that it helps identify and heal the root cause of the individual’s problem. Individuals who suffer from chronic conditions usually have imbalances in their digestive tract and immune response. They often have an inability to adequately deal with a stressful toxic load or have abnormal reactions to items such as foods, environmental elements, chemical exposure or pathogens. Because they are reacting abnormally to these everyday stressors their immune system becomes overloaded. The result is that:

    These individuals have severely decreased immune function available to fend off real threats, such as bacterial, viral or parasitic infections.

    Their system becomes chaotic and weakened from a continual attempt to correct imbalances.

    Chronic conditions or chronic symptoms become or remain established.

    Vital organ systems, which rely on proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids for their proper functioning, are consistently undernourished.

    After resetting the body’s response to food, chemical and environmental stressors, most individuals experience significant improvement in both their physical and emotional well-being.

  • Beginning BioSet is a commitment that begins with either a brief or comprehensive sensitivity evaluation. We recommend the comprehensive evaluation as it provides us with more information to better create a custom treatment plan for each individual based on their needs.

    An evaluation can take anywhere from 60-90 minutes depending on your history, input, and the amount of questions that you may have. During this detailed session we will utilize bioenergetic feedback through the use of the IQS system to identify imbalances in the body that may indicate sensitivities or allergies.

    Once the evaluation has concluded and we have identified imbalances, your practitioner will complete your very first in a series of clearings that will happen over multiple weeks.

    By your next session, we will have developed a protocol of multiple clearings based on your individual needs in an order that will most effectively address and clear up your issues.

    You will leave the first session with recommendations for dietary/digestive supplements.

  • Is BioSET Safe? Yes, BioSET taps into your body’s own healing capabilities to effectively ReSET your immune response to common allergies and sensitivities.

    Will I have to Avoid Certain Foods? From time to time we will have you avoid certain foods/food groups and other common allergens. During sessions we will clear certain sensitivities and may ask you to avoid those things for a few days before testing the effectiveness of the clearing.

    Do I Have to do a Comprehensive Evaluation? No, you do not have to chose the comprehensive evaluation however, our clients that experience the most success do because it gives us the best blueprint to create a plan that eliminates/improves the bulk of your issues.

    Does it really work? Yes! We see it work every day and as a matter of fact we became practitioners because we were so impressed with the results is had on us!

    Is it Guaranteed to Work? Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. We can tell you that our clients that commit themselves to our BioSet protocol and follow the supplemental and nutritional advice that we give always experience positive outcomes. Whether it is a complete resolution of their issues, a reduction in symptoms, or smaller outcomes like improved mood, sleep, or weight loss our committed clients experience improvements in their quality of life.

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

  • Hyperbaric Therapy, also known as mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, (HBOT or HBO or mHBOT or HBT), is the medical use of oxygen in a pressurized environment, at a level higher than 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA). Increased pressure allows for oxygen to dissolve and saturate the blood plasma (independent of hemoglobin/red blood cells), blood cells, cerebral-spinal fluid, and other body fluids which yields a broad variety of positive physiological, biochemical and cellular effects. This noninvasive therapy is the most trusted way to increase oxygen levels to all organs of the body. The typical treatment lasts for 60-90 minutes, during which the patient lies down and breathes normally.

    HBOT has been demonstrated in several clinical studies to enhance the body’s innate ability to repair and regenerate. It is used as an adjunct therapy to complement and enhance the healing process in both chronic and acute conditions.

  • At sea level the atmospheric pressure is 1ATA (14.7 psi or pounds per square inch), which allows the lungs to absorb a normal amount of oxygen from the air. At higher altitudes, the pressure drops and the lungs are not able to absorb as much oxygen from the air. This is why oxygen masks drop in an airplane at high altitudes – to increase the oxygen content due to the lack of pressure. The exact opposite happens at lower altitudes (below sea level). There, the pressure is greater (above 1ATA) and now the lungs can more easily absorb the oxygen, and at a greater volume.

    Hyperbaria is based on the concept of the relationship of gas pressure and uptake in liquids (blood, plasma and tissues).  Henry’s Law states that “a gas is dissolved by a liquid in direct proportion to its partial pressure.”  For example, at sea level, atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg, the oxygen concentration is 21% and the body’s oxygen content or partial pressure, pO2, in blood and plasma is ~ 40 mm Hg.

    Red blood cells have a limitation as to how much oxygen can bind with hemoglobin.  The plasma portion of the blood typically has about a 3% oxygen concentration.

    By placing someone in a in a 3 psi pressure hyperbaric environment, the increase in atmospheric pressure at sea level goes from 760 mm Hg to 915 mm Hg.  This increase in gas pressure, increases the partial pressure of the oxygen gas and thus forces more oxygen to be dissolved in the plasma.  This saturation of oxygen in the blood, due to the Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment or HBOT, allows the extra oxygen to be diffused or transported to the surrounding body tissues.  Thus, oxygen transport by plasma is significantly increased under HBOT.  At three atmospheres pressure, enough oxygen can be dissolved in the plasma to support the oxygen demands of the body at rest in the absence of hemoglobin!

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is designed to boost the supply of oxygen to ischemic tissue or to diseased tissues that respond to increased oxygen levels.  Increasing the volume of oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma produces five basic effects:

    Reduction of volume of gas bubbles in the blood

    Vasoconstriction, which reduces edema and secondary hypoxia

    Restoration of aerobic metabolism to ischemic tissue

    Detoxification of poisoned tissues

    Enhanced phagocytosis

    Henry’s Law- Henry’s law states that for a gas-liquid interface the amount of the gas that dissolves in the liquid is proportional to its partial pressure.  So Henry’s law helps to predict how much gas will be dissolved in the liquid.  The actual amount also depends on the solubility of the gas as well as its partial pressure.

    Dalton’s Law-John Dalton observed that the total pressure of a gas mixture was the sum of the pressures of each of the gases if they were to exist on their own.

  • Injury-Trauma/Rapid Recovery

    Pre-Post Medical or Dental Surgery/Procedures

    Athletes desiring peak performance and/or faster recovery

    Assists chronic and serious conditions (Autism, Lupus, MS, Lymes, dementia and more)

  • Acid Stomach








    Bell’s Palsy

    Body Detoxification

    Brain Injury


    Cerebral Palsy

    Chronic Fatigue

    Circulation Problems

    Cosmetic Surgery


    Hang Over


    Immune Deficiency

    Joint Pain

    Loss of Limb


    Lyme Disease

    Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

    Multiple Sclerosis

    Parkinson’s Disease

    Skin Disorders

    Sleeping Disorders

    Sports Injury


    Surgery: Pre/Post

    Wound Healing

    and many more.

  • How long is a session? Sessions range from 60-90 minutes.

    What do I wear? dress comfortably, you will need to remove any sharp objects including earring, belts, certain jewelry, etc. It will remain close to room temperature inside the chamber.

    Will I get claustrophobic? The chamber is actually quite spacious once inflated. Most clients do not experience any issues with claustrophobia once the chamber inflates, however, some can.

    Is it going to hurt? You may experience slight discomfort in the ears, very similar to what you feel in an airplane. It is normally quite easy to pop the ears and relieve the pressure. There are times when clients have difficulty clearing the ears and if the discomfort becomes too much it is recommended to abort the session and slowly decrease the pressure.

    Is it safe? mHBOT is safe for the vast majority of people. It is not recommended to use the chamber if you have certain serious health or lung conditions.

  • When you arrive for an mHBOT session, you will be walked back to the room where you will remove your shoes, change into a pair of sterile foot coverings and remove any sharp objects from your pockets or body. If it is your first session you will be walked through how everything works and given instructions. During your first sessions you will be closely monitored to ensure that you are tolerating the pressure well. Once the chamber has reached full pressure, any ear pressure or discomfort should disappear and you can relax. Many people take a book or their phone in the chamber with them and others simply utilize the time to take a nap! at the end of the session, the chamber will be slowly brought back to normal pressure and you will be helped out, at which point you can gather your belongings and put your shoes back on.

Infrared Sauna w/ Chromotherapy

  • An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses light to make heat. This type of sauna is sometimes called a far-infrared sauna. "Far" describes where the infrared waves fall on the light spectrum. A regular sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you.

  • There are many benefits of an Infrared Sauna including (but not limited to):

    Decreased Inflammation

    Increased mobility

    Increase in blood circulation


    Increased ability to recover

    Stress and fatigue

    Muscle aches, arthritis, and joint relief

    Weight loss and calorie burning

    Increased metabolism

    Immune system support

    Skin conditions

    Heart health

    Appearance of cellulite

    Diabetes support

  • Infrared sauna’s boast many health benefits compared to a traditional steam sauna. Along with being more comfortable and tolerable, infrared saunas have also proven to promote whole body detoxification, reduce stress and fatigue, ease arthritis, muscle, and joint pain, burn calories, increase metabolism, improve immune function, improve skin conditions, and increase heart health to name a few. Infrared heat penetrates the body tissue significantly deeper than traditional saunas which provides much better results than traditional steam saunas.

  • How hot does it get? Our sauna can reach 150 degrees. If you have ever been in a regular sauna, you will notice an extreme difference with infrared being much more tolerable and relaxing at the same temperature.

    How long will I be in there? Sessions last 45 minutes, however, if you become uncomfortable sessions can be shortened or the temperature can be lowered.

  • Chromotherapy is the use of the visible spectrum, or color light, to heal the physical, mental and spiritual energy imbalance that tends to lead to disease. It is one of the most holistic and simple methods to cure illness.

  • When you arrive at Willyoung Wellness you will be walked back to the infrared sauna room where you will have the privacy to change and keep your belongings in the room with you. The sauna will already be preheated with the 45 minute timer set. You may choose the chromotherapy color of your choice that will assist you in your healing and relaxation while in the sauna. You will be provided with a call button that you can push if any issues or questions arise during the sessions. Simply push the button and an employee will come to assist you. Once your session is over, you will towel off and place your dirty towels in the hamper. You can either press the call button or simply walk out and back to the lobby.

Infrared Amethyst Crystal Mats w/ Guided Meditation

  • Infrared Amethyst Crystal Mats provide many of the same benefits as an infrared sauna. Calming and healing infrared heat penetrate up through the crystals in the mat which release negative ions, which purify the air around you and boost your mood while promoting detoxification and circulation.

    While enjoying the health benefits of the mats, you can also choose between 9 different guided meditation sessions to calm the mind balance yourself mentally.

  • Far Infrared Rays emit deep impact heat which penetrates the human body up to 6 inches deep and warms the body inside. The increase of heat energy in the body is helpful to promote blood circulation; promote muscle relaxation and relieve muscle cramps.

    Negative Ions: The gemstones in the far infrared pad release natural negative ions when heated. Natural negative ions can purify the air, improve your breathing environment, and make your breathing more effective. In addition, negative ions also help to relieve fatigue and improve sleep.

    Hot Stone: Natural gemstone can better store heat and reduce heat loss, so it can provide better heating and heat preservation effect.

  • Some benefits of Amethyst Crystal Mats include (but are not limited to):

    Pain relief

    Increased metabolism

    Promotes antibodies

    Improves blood flow and circulation

    Speeds up recovery from exercise

    Heals and improves deep tissue

    Increases flexibility

    Improves joint and muscle pain

    Reduces swelling and inflammation

    Improves flow of lymph system

    Induces relaxation and sleep

    Skin rejuvenation

  • When you arrive at Willyoung Wellness, you will be guided back to the infrared mat room where you will have complete privacy while you relax. You will never be put in the room with another person unless you request for that to happen. You will sit back and relax while the infrared heat and guided meditation relaxes and heals your body and mind. Sessions last 45 minutes. Once the sessions is over a Willyoung Wellness staff member will come and get you.

  • How hot do the mats get? The mats have an adjustable temperature range. You will have full control over the temperature of your session. Simply adjust the dial to your comfort level if the mats get too hot or not hot enough for you.


  • Replenishes enzymes to assist with digesting foods, absorption of nutrients and supporting overall health

    Provides essential nutrients after being depleted from pharmaceutical medications, mental strain and different environmental pollutions

    Alleviates stomach discomfort, gas, bloating, food sensitivities and other gastrointestinal issues  

    Breaks down undigested food particles, strengthening the immune system

    Theramedix formulations are made of natural plant-based enzymes which makes them acceptable for vegetarian diets  

  • Enzymes occur throughout the body and speed up chemical reactions to digest food.  Digestive enzymes in the mouth, stomach and intestines break down food into its essential nutrients, then absorbed and used as fuel for all cellular functions. Without digestive enzymes to catalyze digestion, the gastrointestinal tract can’t supply optimal nutrition or do an effective job of expelling toxins and waste. A healthy digestive system serves as a barrier to bacteria.

    Digestive disorders like food intolerances or sensitivities have been linked to a lack of specific enzymes causing deficiencies. Digestive enzymes are also lost in our stool and urine and we produce fewer as we age. Optimal digestive health is a victim of the modern diet, which is high in cooked and processed foods and depletes naturally occurring enzymes in raw foods. On the 1-to-14 pH scale, 7.0 is neutral; below that is acidic, above that is basic or alkaline.


    Optimizes the health of the immune system by breaking down food particles more effectively

    Creates a better environment for the gut and overall body by moving the nutrients more proficiently

    Promotes optimal nutrient absorption, which eases food sensitivities and intolerances

    Helps people with enzyme deficiencies, no matter the cause from genetics, illnesses, food, or age

    Reduces indigestion, gas, bloating and gastrointestinal issues or discomforts

  • Probiotics are naturally occurring micro-organisms, often referred to as “good bacteria,” that work within the body to promote healthy digestion, support the immune system and contribute to overall health. Poor diet, emotional stress, antibiotics or other drugs and environmental influences can create unbalance within the body. Probiotics help to regain that balance and create a better environment within the body. Probiotics are naturally present in a variety of fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, Korean kimchi, miso, kefir, green pickles, and tempeh. However, probiotic supplements offer a more convenient and efficient way of deriving the related health benefits. Our Probiotic supplement contains various strains to get the benefits of all their unique capabilities.


    Supports the production and balance of good gut flora

    Slows the growth of yeast and UTI-causing bacteria

    Assists the body to attain overall health

    Helps maintain a good immune response

    Eases the symptoms of constipation and IBS

    Assists in the absorption of certain vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids

  • Systemic enzymes assist with the maintenance and support of different systems and organs within the body.  These enzyme supplements should be taken on an empty stomach, to bypass the gastric acid during the digestion process. Allowing the enzymes to move through the intestinal tract breaking down undigested foods, in turn promoting the regeneration, healing and strength of cells. Certain strains of proteolytic enzymes have the ability to break down fibrin in the blood while other proteolytic enzymes break down proteins into amino acids. This causes prompt recovery from injuries and surgery, decreasing inflammation and boosting the immune system. They also act as antioxidants, reducing the damaging effects of free radicals. 


    Promotes energy production

    Fights infections while promptly healing wounds

    Helps to purify the blood

    Gives nutrients to the proper cells

    Breaks down fats in your blood, regulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels

    Enhances protein absorption, which is essential for building lean muscle and muscle recovery

    Promotes immune system response by helping white blood cell work efficiently

    Breaks down the undigested food that stays in the gut, in turn neutralizing the colonization of harmful food-borne bacteria.

    Helps to reduce or eliminate pollen, pet dander and other allergies

  • What supplements do you carry? We carry Theramedix supplements. We can get you anything from the Theramedix website at a special discount. Feel free to browse the Theramedix site at

    Do you carry other supplements? Right now, we only offer Theramedix brand, however, we plan to start our very own supplement line very soon. Be on the lookout for a whole line of Willyoung Wellness Digestive Health Supplements in the future!

    How do I order? You can either browse the Theramedix site and decide what you want and then let us know (we will order it for you at a special discount for being a Willyoung Wellness client) or you can simply call or come see us and we can help you choose.